Serving the Enlisted Airman

Each year Congress makes hundreds of decisions on issues that directly affect the lives of enlisted people and their families. Important issues such as medical care, job security, pay, commissary privileges, education benefits and other benefits. There was a time when the voice of the enlisted Airman was nowhere to be heard ... until the Spring of l96l, when a handful of men came together to form the Air Force Sergeants Association. AFSA is an international organization dedicated to speaking out on behalf of the people behind the stripes and today, with nearly 110,000 members, AFSA has led the way on both Capitol Hill and in the Pentagon and has earned the recognition and respect of Washington's leaders for its sustained role as the true leader for enlisted military advocacy. The AFSA mission, at the headquarters level, is to advocate improved quality-of-life and economic fairness that will support the well-being of Air Force enlisted personnel and their families.